What If

To The Journey 123: Something You Assimilated by Charlynn Schmiedt

What if Janeway Died, Part II.

WE LOVE JANEWAY! She is our captain! Please read on and listen.

Losing a main character on a Trek series is no small matter, but losing a captain would have been doubly problematic, had it happened. That's why Char and Tristan speculated what would have happened if Janeway had died in To The Journey 113, "Harry Gets Promoted." However, they only got through Season Three, which leaves four more years of "what ifs" to ponder. Have tissues at the ready, because in this episode of To The Journey, Char and Tristan pick up where they left off in TTJ 113 and discuss areas of seasons 5-7 where Janeway could have died and why. 

Running Time: 42 minutes 15 seconds


Tristan Riddell and Charlynn Schmiedt


Tristan Riddell


Charlynn Schmiedt

Executive Producers

Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, and C. Bryan Jones

Associate Producers

Kenneth Trip , Jamie Duce and Aaron Harvey

Production Manager

Richard Marquez

Content Manager

Will Nguyen


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