Commentary: Trek Stars

Commentary: Trek Stars 81: His Name Was Bill, He Made the Planet Go Away by Mike Schindler

Nemecek, Part 3: Stellar Cartography.

Last year, Larry Nemecek returned to the world of Star Trek book publishing with Star Trek: Stellar Cartography, a collection of maps which chronicle the geography of the Trek universe. While the maps, created by Ian Fullwood, Ali Ries and Geoffrey Mandel, are the centerpiece of the collection, Nemecek's accompanying text is the hidden gem. It becomes a sort of history of the future, giving us a large-scale look at the events which have played out on a more personal level on the TV screen.

This week, Mike and Max are joined by Steve Roberts of Tribbles in Ecstasy to look at Nemecek's book. We discuss the artistry of the maps, the dense knowledge contained in the text, and how Steve is using the collection to teach his six-year old about Star Trek. 

Running Time: 45 minutes 1 second


Mike Schindler and Max Hegel



Steve Roberts



Stellar Cartography (7:39)
The Maps (9:58)
The Text (15:03)
Teaching Trek (24:40)
Wrap-up (35:24)



Audible is the premiere source for audiobooks with more than 150,000 titles to choose from, and new titles coming every week. From classics to current bestsellers, and even some of the most famous Star Trek books like Prime Directive, Federation, and Spock’s World, Audible has something for everyone.

As a listener you can get a free audiobook of your choice along with a 30-day trial to see just how great Audible is. So give it a try today, catch up on all those classic Star Trek books you’ve yet to read or that latest novel from you favorite author and support the network and our programming at the same time!

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Commentary: Trek Stars 80: Larry Nemecek is My Spirit Animal by Mike Schindler

Nemecek, Part 2: The Next Generation Companion.

As we've said before, Larry Nemecek wrote the book on Star Trek: The Next Generation... literally. Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion is a comprehensive episode guide which offers a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the show.

This week, Max and Mike are joined by Phillip Gilfus of Earl Grey to talk about Nemecek's first Star Trek reference book. We discuss how we came to discover it, what makes it stand out from other books like it, and how it has impacted our lives on a personal level. We also discuss the hiring of Roberto Orci as the director of STAR TR3K.

Running Time: 54 minutes 56 seconds


Max Hegel and Mike Schindler



Phillip Gilfus



The Companion (4:32)
Discovery (11:31)
Thoughts on the book (19:21)
Influence (28:44)
Roberto Orci (36:43) 
Wrap-up (47:34)


Audible is the premiere source for audiobooks with more than 150,000 titles to choose from, and new titles coming every week. From classics to current bestsellers, and even some of the most famous Star Trek books like Prime Directive, Federation, and Spock’s World, Audible has something for everyone.

As a listener you can get a free audiobook of your choice along with a 30-day trial to see just how great Audible is. So give it a try today, catch up on all those classic Star Trek books you’ve yet to read or that latest novel from you favorite author and support the network and our programming at the same time!

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Commentary: Trek Stars 79: What's a D7? by Mike Schindler

Nemecek, Part 1: Trek.

One of the greatest documentarian's of Star Trek's history is Larry Nemecek. The Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion is one of best books of its kind. Each and every issue of The Star Trek Communicator was must-read for fans of the franchise. And his new book, Stellar Cartography, is work of art unto itself. But Nemecek is not just a fan and historian of Star Trek. He's also a creator. Along with his wife, Janet, Nemecek wrote the story which was the basis of the seventh season Voyager episode, "Prophecy." 

This week, Mike is joined by Charlynn of To the Journey! to take a look at Nemecek's episode. We discuss the fan-friendly nature of Klingons in the Delta Quadrant, how the plot device of the Klingon illness could have been handled more effectively, and how the storyline was continued in the novels. We also wonder what the difference is between a D7 and a K'Tinga.

Running Time: 37 minutes 36 seconds


Mike Schindler



Charlynn Schmiedt



Larry Nemecek (2:00)
Thoughts on Prophecy (6:55)
Klingon Savior (15:48)
Final Thoughts (25:04)


Audible is the premiere source for audiobooks with more than 150,000 titles to choose from, and new titles coming every week. From classics to current bestsellers, and even some of the most famous Star Trek books like Prime Directive, Federation, and Spock’s World, Audible has something for everyone.

As a listener you can get a free audiobook of your choice along with a 30-day trial to see just how great Audible is. So give it a try today, catch up on all those classic Star Trek books you’ve yet to read or that latest novel from you favorite author and support the network and our programming at the same time!

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Commentary: Trek Stars 77: Who Let Adam Simon on the Lot? by Trek fm

Braga, Part 4: Salem.

Brannon Braga is one of only five individuals in history who can claim to have created a Star Trek series. In the past, we have discussed that creation, Enterprise, as well as his other television series, Flashforward. Last Sunday saw the debut of Braga's third series, Salem, which he co-created with Adam Simon.

In this episode of Commentary: Trek Stars, Mike and Max return to their Brannon Braga series to discuss his work on Salem. We look at the political message of the film, the similar style of Game of Thrones, and how it compares to the other show that Braga runs, Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. We also look back fondly on Adam Simon's portrayal of himself in The Player.

Running Time: 30 minutes


Mike Schindler and Max Hegel



The Style
Salem vs. Cosmos


Audible is the premiere source for audiobooks with more than 150,000 titles to choose from, and new titles coming every week. From classics to current bestsellers, and even some of the most famous Star Trek books like Prime Directive, Federation, and Spock’s World, Audible has something for everyone.

As a listener you can get a free audiobook of your choice along with a 30-day trial to see just how great Audible is. So give it a try today, catch up on all those classic Star Trek books you’ve yet to read or that latest novel from you favorite author and support the network and our programming at the same time!

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Commentary: Trek Stars 76: The Berman Cube by Trek fm

Rick Berman.

It could be argued that, with the exception of Gene Roddenberry, no one has played a bigger role in shaping the Star Trek franchise than Rick Berman.

In this episode of Commentary: Trek Stars, Max and Mike take a look at the choices Berman made on a conceptual level, and how they influenced the direction of the franchise. We discuss how he balanced Roddenberry's vision with Michael Piller's creativity on The Next Generation, the choice to set Deep Space Nine on a station, whether or not Voyager was designed to replicate TNG, and the reason why Enterprise was always destined to take place on a starship. We also look at how the fans' view of Berman's contribution has changed with distance.

Running Time: 44 minutes 28 seconds


Mike Schindler and Max Hegel



Rick Berman
The Next Generation
Deep Space Nine
The Movies
Final Thoughts


Audible is the premiere source for audiobooks with more than 150,000 titles to choose from, and new titles coming every week. From classics to current bestsellers, and even some of the most famous Star Trek books like Prime Directive, Federation, and Spock’s World, Audible has something for everyone.

As a listener you can get a free audiobook of your choice along with a 30-day trial to see just how great Audible is. So give it a try today, catch up on all those classic Star Trek books you’ve yet to read or that latest novel from you favorite author and support the network and our programming at the same time!

More recent episodes of Commentary: Trek Stars…

Commentary: Trek Stars 75: A Really Cool Stamp by Trek fm

Bole, Part 6: Recap.

The Next Generation era of Star Trek is not exactly known for its breakthrough directorial choices. Rick Berman operated a very well-oiled machine which was manned by expert craftsmen who knew exactly what was expected of them, and delivered high-quality product week after week. Such is the nature of episodic television. Very few shows allow the director to stretch their legs creatively in such a way as to demonstrate their own personal style. One such show was The X-Files.

Cliff Bole is one of a very few directors to have worked on both franchises, and he is credited with creating some of the very best episodes of each.

In this episode of Commentary: Trek Stars, Mike and Max recap our look at Bole's work on The X-Files. We discuss all four of his episodes, including "Small Potatoes," "Bad Blood," "Chimera," and "Jump the Shark." We also discuss the talents of Vince Gilligan, and ponder how the producers knew that Bole would be the perfect choice to handle such iconic episodes.

Running Time: 38 minutes 49 seconds


Mike Schindler and Max Hegel



Cliff Bole
Small Potatoes
Bad Blood
Jump the Shark
Final Thoughts


Audible is the premiere source for audiobooks with more than 150,000 titles to choose from, and new titles coming every week. From classics to current bestsellers, and even some of the most famous Star Trek books like Prime Directive, Federation, and Spock’s World, Audible has something for everyone.

As a listener you can get a free audiobook of your choice along with a 30-day trial to see just how great Audible is. So give it a try today, catch up on all those classic Star Trek books you’ve yet to read or that latest novel from you favorite author and support the network and our programming at the same time!

More recent episodes of Commentary: Trek Stars…

Commentary: Trek Stars 74: Mulder Times Ten by Trek fm

Bole, Part 5: Jump the Shark.

From the beginning, The Lone Gunmen were fan favorites on The X-Files. The trio of characters, Byers, Langley, and Frohike, were conspiracy theorists who published a newspaper aimed at revealing the truth. In 2001, they received their own spinoff series. Also in 2001, that spinoff was cancelled.

Left on a cliffhanger, the story remained unresolved until midway through the following season, when the creators of the series gave it a proper resolution in an episode of The X-Files entitled "Jump the Shark". This was also the final X-File for Cliff Bole. 

This week, Max and Mike discuss The Lone Gunmen's role on The X-Files, how that roll changed on their own show, and how "Jump the Shark" acts as an episode of two series simultaneously.

Running Time: 46 minutes 40 seconds


Mike Schindler and Max Hegel



The Lone Gunmen
The Spinoff
Jump the Shark
Final Thoughts


Audible is the premiere source for audiobooks with more than 150,000 titles to choose from, and new titles coming every week. From classics to current bestsellers, and even some of the most famous Star Trek books like Prime Directive, Federation, and Spock’s World, Audible has something for everyone.

As a listener you can get a free audiobook of your choice along with a 30-day trial to see just how great Audible is. So give it a try today, catch up on all those classic Star Trek books you’ve yet to read or that latest novel from you favorite author and support the network and our programming at the same time!

More recent episodes of Commentary: Trek Stars…

Commentary: Trek Stars 73: Scully and the Hookers by Trek fm

Bole, Part 4: Chimera.

Not every episode of your favorite television show can be a winner. After two outstanding efforts, Cliff Bole returned to The X-Files during its seventh season to direct "Chimera," a story about a mysterious creature that is killing people in a small community.

In this episode of Commentary: Trek Stars, Mike and Max take a look at Bole's third X-File. We discuss its "monster of the week" nature, Scully's promising B-story, and why Bole's contribution is not readily apparent. We also explain The Muppet Babies Syndrome.

Running Time: 39 minutes 21 seconds


Mike Schindler and Max Hegel



The B-Story
Bole's Contribution
Final Thoughts


Audible is the premiere source for audiobooks with more than 150,000 titles to choose from, and new titles coming every week. From classics to current bestsellers, and even some of the most famous Star Trek books like Prime Directive, Federation, and Spock’s World, Audible has something for everyone.

As a listener you can get a free audiobook of your choice along with a 30-day trial to see just how great Audible is. So give it a try today, catch up on all those classic Star Trek books you’ve yet to read or that latest novel from you favorite author and support the network and our programming at the same time!

More recent episodes of Commentary: Trek Stars…

Commentary: Trek Stars 72: The Best of Both Worlds of The X-Files by Trek fm

Bole, Part 3: Bad Blood.

After the success of his first X-Files episode, Cliff Bole returned to the series the following year to direct another comedic script by Vince Gilligan, "Bad Blood." This episode pushed the boundaries of the show even further than "Small Potatoes," and the end result may be the most critically-acclaimed hour in the show's history.  

In this episode of Commentary: Trek Stars, Max and Mike take a look at Bole's second X-File. We discuss how the episode gets better with each viewing, how it departs from the tone of the series while still staying inside the basic formula, and how Bole's sense of comic timing is the key to the episode's success. We also take a look at the new Brannon Braga series, Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey

Running Time: 50 minutes 47 seconds


Mike Schindler and Max Hegel



Bad Blood 
Slapstick Comedy 
Bole's Direction 
Final Thoughts 
Braga's Direction 


Audible is the premiere source for audiobooks with more than 150,000 titles to choose from, and new titles coming every week. From classics to current bestsellers, and even some of the most famous Star Trek books like Prime Directive, Federation, and Spock’s World, Audible has something for everyone.

As a listener you can get a free audiobook of your choice along with a 30-day trial to see just how great Audible is. So give it a try today, catch up on all those classic Star Trek books you’ve yet to read or that latest novel from you favorite author and support the network and our programming at the same time!

More recent episodes of Commentary: Trek Stars…

Commentary: Trek Stars 71: Better Than a Public School Education by Trek fm

Bole, Part 2: Small Potatoes.

Cliff Bole will always be known first and foremost for his contribution to Star Trek, but he also had a huge impact on another sci-fi series, The X-Files. Four episodes of the '90s cult classic were directed by Bole, including some of the very best. 

In this episode of Commentary: Trek Stars, Mike and Max take a look at Bole's first X-Files episode, "Small Potatoes." We discuss the series as a whole, the difficulty of balancing grotesque crimes with humor, and the apparent freedom Bole was given in this series which may have been absent on Trek. We also examine the merits of The X-Files as an educational tool.

Running Time: 42 minutes 49 seconds


Mike Schindler and Max Hegel



The X-Files
Small Potatoes
Bole's Contribution
Final Thoughts


Audible is the premiere source for audiobooks with more than 150,000 titles to choose from, and new titles coming every week. From classics to current bestsellers, and even some of the most famous Star Trek books like Prime Directive, Federation, and Spock’s World, Audible has something for everyone.

As a listener you can get a free audiobook of your choice along with a 30-day trial to see just how great Audible is. So give it a try today, catch up on all those classic Star Trek books you’ve yet to read or that latest novel from you favorite author and support the network and our programming at the same time!

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