Commentary: Trek Stars 124: It's Expectacle! / by Mike Schindler

Shatner, Part 6: Fanboys.

Many listeners may not know this, but there is another science fiction franchise which has gained a decent amount of popularity over the years. It's known as "Star Wars." The plot is insignificant. Basically, think Star Trek with magic.

Regardless, from 1977 to 1983, three films were made as part of something which is now referred to as the "Original Trilogy." Then, the franchise disappeared for 16 years, before finally returning in 1999 with the first film in the "Prequel Trilogy."

During those 16 years, a small but devoted group of fans eagerly anticipated the return of their beloved space opera. These fans are the subject of this episode's movie, Fanboys.

In the film, four lifelong Star Wars fans travel across country to break into Skywalker Ranch and steal a print of Star Wars: Episode I--The Phantom Menace before it's released. Along the way, they are helped by many people, including William Shatner.

In this episode of Commentary: Trek Stars, Mike and Max take a look at the final film in the Shatner Cinematic Universe. We discuss the long, complicated history of Fanboys, Shatner's role in advancing the plot of the film, and how it fits into the Shatnerverse. We also debate how excited we should be for Star Wars: Episode VII--The Force Awakens.

Running Time: 48 minutes 40 seconds


Mike Schindler and Max Hegel

Editor and Producer

Mike Schindler

Production Manager

Richard Marquez

Content Coordinator

Will Nguyen

Associate Producer

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Fanboys (00:05:15)
Cameos (00:17:25)
Shatner (00:29:12)
Wrap-up (00:41:58)

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