Earl Grey 64: To Absent Friends / by Darren Moser

Death in TNG.

All good things must come to an end, and in The Next Generation, that means the deaths of many favorite (and perhaps not so favorite) characters. Mr. Data meets his demise in the final feature film Star Trek: Nemesis, the first security chief Tasha Yar dies a senseless death in the season one episode "Skin of Evil," and memorable guest star K'Ehleyr is murdered by Duras in "Reunion." These deaths affected our TNG characters and fans, leading to debates about whether these deaths served a purpose or whether they should have been avoided. Phillip, Darren, and Daniel discuss the end of these characters and others in this episode, asking how those deaths were treated, what was the aftermath, and what death teaches us about the dangers of exploring the final frontier.


Death in TNG. All good things must come to an end, and in The Next Generation, that means the deaths of many favorite (and perhaps not so favorite) characters. Mr. Data meets his demise in the final feature film Star Trek: Nemesis, the first security chief Tasha Yar dies a senseless death in the season one episode "Skin of Evil," and memorable guest star K'Ehleyr is murdered by Duras in "Reunion." These deaths affected our TNG characters and fans, leading to debates about whether these deaths served a purpose or whether they should have been avoided. Phillip, Darren, and Daniel discuss the end of these characters and others in this episode, asking how those deaths were treated, what was the aftermath, and what death teaches us about the dangers of exploring the final frontier. Hosts Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser Guests None Chapters Data (3:20) Yar (19.30) K'Ehleyr (29:10) Lt Hawk (36:54) The Chorus (42:20) Q Who Deaths (43:42) The Bonding (49:50) Final Thoughts (51:11) Send us your feedback! Twitter: @trekfm Facebook: http://facebook.com/trekfm Voicemail: http://www.speakpipe.com/trekfm Contact Form: http://www.trek.fm/contact Visit the Trek.fm website at http://trek.fm/ Subscribe in iTunes: http://itunes.com/trekfm Support the Network! Become a Trek.fm Patron on Patreon and help us keep our shows coming to you every week. We have great perks for you at http://patreon.com/trekfm

Running Time: 1 hour 2 minutes 23 seconds


Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, and Darren Moser

Editor and Producer

Darren Moser

Associate Producer

Will Nguyen

Production Manager

Richard Marquez

Content Coordinator

Will Nguyen


Data (00:03:20)
Yar (00:19:30)
K'Ehleyr (00:29:10)
Lt Hawk (00:36:54)
The Chorus (00:42:20)
Q Who Deaths (00:43:42)
The Bonding (00:49:50)
Final Thoughts (00:51:11)

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