
Earl Grey 78: Same Thing But Better by Darren Moser

Cast-Directed Episodes.

Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner began the tradition of Star Trek actors getting behind the camera as directors. In The Next Generation, Jonathan Frakes was the first to "take the helm" of an episode as a director, beginning with the season four episode "The Offspring" and spanned all the way to the third TNG feature film, Star Trek: Insurrection. Darren, Daniel, and Phillip examine the Frakes' led stories, as well as Patrick Stewart's, Gates McFadden's, and LeVar Burton's adventures in directing TNG episodes. Earl Grey also follows Burton's directing work into all subsequent Star Trek incarnations (Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise). They also discuss when Micheal Dorn eventually got a chair ... a director's chair that is ... for three episodes of DS9 and one of ENT. Take off your Starfleet uniform, get into some comfortable clothes, and get ready to tell your friends what to do in this episode about cast directed TNG episodes.

Running Time: 53 minutes 10 seconds


Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Editor / Producer

Darren Moser

Production Manager

Richard Marquez

Content Coordinator

Will Nguyen


Jonathan Frakes (00:03:30)
LeVar Burton (00:21:33)
Gates McFadden (00:29:37)
Patrick Stewart (00:31:22) 
Michael Dorn (00:34:54)
Honorable Mention - Adam Nimoy (00:39:24)

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