
Trek fm

Vulcans Running Amok: The Pon Farr by Trek fm

Send the children into the other room for an episode of SpongeBob if you would, please. Actually, if any Vulcans are in the room, they may wish to join the children, as they may find SpongeBob preferable. Come to think of it, you might go too and make it a party. Just keep it down.

What is being written here today, no outworlder must know. Vulcans do not even discuss it amongst themselves!

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From Unfinished Alien to Pure Vulcan, Or How Mr. Spock Got Cool by Trek fm

If Vulcan has a cucumber equivalent, Mr. Spock would be as cool as that. With his slightly-upturned eyebrows just right for lifting in wry fascination at the absurdity of human behavior to his understated utterance of “fascinating” often targeting same, Mr. Spock is one calm, collected and unfazed alien.

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