
To The Journey 89: Amnesia Love Story by Charlynn Schmiedt

Unforgettable Rewrite.

Chakotay-centric episodes rarely make fans' lists of favorites. Whether it's the writing, story, or the performance, they just don't stand out. For Char and Tristan, the ill-designated "Unforgettable" from Season Four tends to be just the opposite of what the title implies. In this episode of To The Journey, Char and Tristan share their thoughts on how they would make "Unforgettable" a bit more indelible. Listen on and find out what they liked, what they didn't, and how they would bolster this episode so that it would live up to its title.

Running Time: 34 minutes 57 seconds


Charlynn Schmiedt and Tristan Riddell



Summary (2:19)
Beltran Liked it (6:00)
Not the Best Luck (11:01)
Anything Else (15:42)
If I Leave (20:53)
Stay (25:30)
Ford (43:02)


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