
To The Journey 98: 99% Sexy Time by Charlynn Schmiedt

Remember Rewrite. 

Episode quality varies greatly in Voyager's body of work, ranging from exceptional to downright pitiful. Most episodes fall somewhere in between these extremes, and they are the best candidates for a TTJ-style facelift.

In this episode of To The Journey, Char and Tristan share their ideas for how they would bring more life to Voyager's "Remember," a Season-Three story where the romance of Romeo and Juliet collides with the genocide that occurred during World War II. We also briefly discuss Born With Teeth, Kate Mulgrew's memoir, which will be published in April 2015. The audio clip inserted in this episode is from

Running Time: 42 minutes 34 seconds


Charlynn Schmiedt and Tristan Riddell


Editor and Producer

Tristan Riddell


Associate Producer

Lisa Stevens



Teeth (2:28)
Genocide? (7:58)
I liked it (13:45)
All in the Mind (22:01)
Father Daughter (26:58)
Decent (33:17)
Closing (41:43)


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