[x]cube GAMES

Continuing Mission 10: The Trexelian Expanse by Trek fm


We've seen a number of Star Trek games over the years on PC, consoles, and now phones and tablets. More often than not, these focus on combat. But some try to deliver more depth that gives players an experience that is truer to Star Trek and less generic themes in Star Trek wrappings.

One such game is Trexels from YesGnome and [x]cube GAMES. Trexels is a unique blend of elements from across Star Trek that sends players on missions that involve not only combat but also diplomacy, scientific investigation, and more. Best of all, it's done using beautifully nostalgic 8-bit graphics.

In this episode of Continuing Mission we're joined by Craig Bolin, Creative Director and Senior Games Designer at [x]cube GAMES, to learn more about Trexels, the story behind its genesis, the process of writing missions, the creative decision to mix elements from different time periods, and even the general process of video game development.

Running Time: 1 hour 8 minutes 6 seconds


Christopher Jones



Craig Bolin



Developing Games (2:01)
Craig and Star Trek (8:30)
[x]cube GAMES and YesGnome (13:53)
The Genesis of Trexels (19:54)
Mixing Time Periods (26:11)
Writing the Missions (31:18)
Designing for Touch (38:30)
The Federation Exchange (40:46)
What's Next for Trexels (48:38)
Find Out More About Trexels (51:12)
Closing (57:38)

Continuing Mission 10: The Trexelian Expanse


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