Hyperchannel 11: Leonard Nimoy is Out of This World / by Trek fm

Leonard Nimoy POPS In On Boston | Marina Sirtis Talks the Future of Trek

Hyperchannel 11: Leonard Nimoy is Out of This World

Leonard Nimoy POPS In On Boston

If you're a fan of classical music, movie scores, and Star Trek, and you're in the Boston area, you'll want to drop by Symphony Hall in downtown Boston on the evenings of May 23 and 24. Leonard Nimoy will be popping in on Boston to lead the Boston Pops special event "Out of this World." It's a night of music that includes Gustav Holst's The Planets, Richard Strauss's "Also Sprach Zarathrusta," and John William's scores from Star Wars, E.T., and Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Find out more and get tickets throught the Boston Symphony Orchestra.


Marina Sirtis Talks the Future of Trek

The Next Generation cast gathered once again this past weekend to delight convention goers, this time at the Dallas Comic Con. During the discussion, Marina Sirtis, who portrayed Deanna Troi on TNG and continues to do so in the hearts of fans worldwide, was asked about the future of the franchise. She is certain that there will be another series, although she has no inside information. She also talked about why she loves appearing at cons.

Find out what else Marina said. Read the full article on the CBS Dallas-Ft. Worth website.

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