Cross Cult

Hyperchannel 90: Ein Deutscher Trilogy by Trek fm

Star Trek: Prometheus.

Hyperchannel 90: Ein Deutscher Trilogy

When it comes to novels, Germans make the best Star Trek covers. They really do. And now, German engineering is moving beyond the cover and onto the inner pages with Cross Cult’s official trilogy Star Trek: Prometheus. We take peek at these books coming in summer 2016 that will be written by Bernd Perplies and Christian Humberg, with covers by Tobias Richter.


C Bryan Jones


C Bryan Jones (Editor and Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Executive Producer) Charlynn Schmiedt (Executive Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager) Will Nguyen (Content Manager)

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Hyperchannel 39: New Threads for Voyager by Trek fm

Cross Cult brings a new look to Kirsten Beyer's Voyager | Team Aezon brings youth to the tricorder technology race

Running Time: 12 minutes 3 seconds

Cross Cult brings a new look to Kirsten Beyer's Voyager

We're not sure what's in the water in Germany, but their Star Trek novel covers are always inspired. Now publisher Cross Cult is combining their inspired creativity with that of author Kirsten Beyer with new artwork for the German releases Full Circle and Unworthy. The matching pair feature Tom and B'Elanna (one on each) along with Cross Cult's interpretation of the USS Voyager refit and the USS Planck, which Mark Rademaker did for the 2012 Ships of the Line calendar.

View the covers at The Trek Collective.


Team Aegle brings youth to the tricorder technology race

If you're a Star Trek fan you've most certainly heard by now about the Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE. But while you may be expecting most of those working on the technology to be seasoned engineers, a group of undergraduates are throwing their passion and skills into the ring. Team Aegle, a spinoff of the Johns Hopkins-based Aezon, is led by Tatiana Rypinski and brings youth and enthusiasm together to work on some of the toughest problems facing the world. Their sights are currently set on making Star Trek technology real.

Find out more and watch the video with Tatiana Rypinski.

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