Deep Space Nine

Hyperchannel 167: The New Faces of Star Trek by Matthew Rushing

In the first Hyperchannel of the new year, we catch up on the latest about new series boxed sets, new Discovery cast members, new comics... and new tricorders? Also, we pay tribute to some notable figures from Star Trek and the scientific community who recently passed away.

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Hyperchannel 100: Put Another Stamp On It by Trek fm

DS9 goes postal in Palau and Guyana.

Hyperchannel 100: Put Another Stamp On It

Not all countries are as difficult to persuade as the United States when it comes to making unique stamps that honor pop culture. Star Trek stamps can be had from some unlikely sources. And the latest to be issued highlight Deep Space Nine. What's even more amazing is that they come from two different countries! We look at DS9 stamps from South America and the Pacific.

View the stamp artwork on The Trek Collective.


C Bryan Jones


C Bryan Jones (Editor and Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Executive Producer) Charlynn Schmiedt (Executive Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager) Will Nguyen (Content Manager)

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Hyperchannel 63: Do-It-Yourself Ship Design by Trek fm announces Ships of the Line design contest | TREKLAND: On Speaker Volume 3 to debut at Star Trek Las Vegas

Running Time: 21 minutes 5 seconds announces Ships of the Line design contest

Have you ever dreamed of designing your own starship? Want to be an official part of the historic 50th anniversary of Star Trek? Well, your chance has just docked. CBS and announced a new contest during the Ships of the Line panel at San Diego Comic-Con that makes you a ship designer. And as the builders of interstellar craft, thirteen lucky winners will be immortalized in the 2016 Ships of the Line calendar.

Get more info and enter the contest.


TREKLAND: On Speaker Volume 3 to debut at Star Trek Las Vegas

The finale of a Star Trek series is a momentous event for both viewers and those who actually create the show. As fans we are often critical of what we see on screen without knowing the story of what went on behind the scenes. No one has stockpiled more of this in-the-moment commentary than Larry Nemecek, but as most of it was captured on old-style cassette tapes as notes for magazine articles the public has never heard it. That has changed with TREKLAND: On Speaker, and a new chapter will be revealed at Star Trek Las Vegas as Larry sheds light on the DS9 finale "What You Leave Behind." 

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