Linda Park

Hyperchannel 13: The School of Manly Fighting by Trek fm

Enroll in the School of Manly Fighting and Learn Kirk Fu | Linda Park Cooks Up an Urbn Harvest

Hyperchannel 13: The School of Manly Fighting

Enroll in the School of Manly Fighting and Learn Kirk Fu

If a lizard has ever snuck up on you and left you unsure what to do, you can fix that by enrolling in the School of Manly Fighting. That's where you'll learn Kirk Fu, a futuristic martial art proven effective against reptile attackers. You learn how to use The Lumberjack, The Jumping Jim, The Angry Hug, The Full Broadside, The Chopnado, and The Last Resort (which is throwing a rock) to fend off stiff, knife-wielding baddies.

See the artwork and get your t-shirt at


Linda Park Cooks Up an Urbn Harvest

Exploring the galaxy and saving Earth was a non-stop adventure for Linda Park, the actress who portrayed Hoshi Sato on Enterprise. After so much excitement, relaxing and cooking seemed like a much better way to spend her days. And that's just what Park does in her new web series, Urbn Harvest, an exploration of Los Angeles, good food, and spending time with family and friends.

Find out more about Urbn Harvest.