Oculus VR

Hyperchannel 9: Oculus: The Next Generation by Trek fm

Oculus Rift goes Galaxy Class | Tribbles Week Redux

Hyperchannel 9: Oculus: The Next Generation

Oculus Rift goes Galaxy Class

If you follow Star Trek—or even general technology news—you no doubt heard about the recent recreation of the USS Voyager bridge for the Oculus Rift, a $350 3D virtual reality headset that maker Oculus VR bills as "Next-Gen Virtual Reality." Not to be left out, TNG fans can now take command of the Enterprise-D. Irish filmmaker Enda O'connor has recreated both the 1701-D bridge and Captain Picard's ready room to allow Oculus Rift owners to set foot in the 24th century.

Find out more and watch the video on the NBC News website.


Tribbles Week Redux on Tor.com

If you're a Deep Space Nine fans and you do not frequent Tor.com, you should. Each week renowned Star Trek author Keith R.A. DeCandido gives you an in-depth look at a DS9 episode as part of his Deep Space Nine rewatch. This week kicks off "Tribble Week Redux" as Keith arrives at that legendary tribute episode, "Trials and Tribble-ations." Do you know all there is to know about the Defiant's trip back in time Deep Space Station K-7?

Read Keith's "Trials and Tribble-ations" piece at Tor.com.

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