
Hyperchannel 42: Is It Showtime for Star Trek? by Trek fm

Could Star Trek find a home on Showtime? | Nestle plans to create Star Trek's food replicator

Running Time: 18 minutes 8 seconds

Could Star Trek find a home on Showtime?

The rumors of a Netflix-CBS deal for a new Star Trek series simply won't die down, even as those with connections to the franchise and studio work to put them to bed. But don't worry, if the rumor does fade there is another set to take its place. What if Star Trek were headed not to Netflix, but to Showtime? It does make sense, since Showtime is owned by CBS, but is an antiquated and dying distribution model really the right choice for the next incarnation of a series about the future? A new article on 1701News makes a case for just such a move.

Read the full article on 1701News.


Nestle plans to create Star Trek's food replicator

Customization is big these days. You can make gadgets your own by choosing colors, textures, and features that fit you own unique tastes. Should nutrition be any different? Sure, you can put in the time to cook carefully planned meals, but few people have that kind of time. Global food giant Nestle wants to address this through the creation of a device that could resemble Star Trek's food replicator. The aim of the device is to tailor foods and nutrients to the individual, and to make this food available at the touch of a button. So if you like your raktajino with a (nutritious) jacarine peel, you could be sipping one within the decade.

Read more on the BBC website.

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Hyperchannel 10: Jolan Tru! by Trek fm

Star Trek Replicator Could Arrive in 12 Months | New Romulus Weekend is Coming | Rene Auberjonois Join Cast of Masters of Sex

Hyperchannel 10: Jolan Tru!

Star Trek Replicator Could Arrive in 12 Months

We all want Star Trek technology in our lives; and not just iPads. Replicators are near the top of the list for many, and if scientists at Imperial College London have their way we could all be sipping raktajino by next summer. (In which case we hope it's iced.) Using a theory first proposed in 1934, scientists have figured out how to turn light into matter. All you need is a bit of gold.… and a photon-photon collider.

Find out how it works in this article on the Pocket Lint website.


Jolan Tru! New Romulus Weekend is Coming

This month marks the one year anniversary of Star Trek Online: Legacy of Romulus, and to mark the occasion STO will be running an in-game event from May 22 to May 27. Players will enjoy some permanent bonuses as a result of the milestone, and some other special "gifts" will be available only between May 22 and 27. BUt remember what Doctor McCoy said... beware Romulans bearing gifts! Also, during the event, players can grab both the Legacy of Romulus Legacy Pack and the Legacy of Romulus Starter Pack for a special price of 12,500 and 2,000 Zen respectively.

Find out all about the New Romulus Weekend on the Star Trek Online Dev Blog.


Rene Auberjonois Join Cast of Master of Sex

A quick casting note for fans of Deep Space Nine... Rene Aberjonois, who brought a bucket of goo to life in the role of Odo—and who has since delighted viewers on shows such as Boston Legal, Archer, and Warehouse 13—will be joining the cast of the Showtime's Masters of Sex, a drama about the pioneers of the science of human sexuality whose research touched off the sexual revolution. The show, which was nominated for Best Drama in the 2014 Golden Globes, returns for its second season on July 13.

Find out more from Variety.

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