The Wrath of Khan

Hyperchannel 102: The Wrath of Vinyl by Trek fm

Mondo’s ultra-cool Wrath of Khan soundtrack.

Hyperchannel 102: The Wrath of Vinyl

Despite living in an age of digital audio, there’s been a resurgence of vinyl as of late. Star Trek fans need to be left out in the cold thanks to Mondo, the awesome makers of limited-edition screen-printed posters, VHS and soundtrack reissues, toys, and apparel from our favorite geek properties. For their latest dip into Trek, Mondo has put together a double-LP release of James Horner’s score from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. We take a look at what’s included.

View the art and track listing on


C Bryan Jones


C Bryan Jones (Editor and Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Executive Producer) Charlynn Schmiedt (Executive Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager) Will Nguyen (Content Manager)

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Hyperchannel 2: Khan Goes Irish by Trek fm

The Irish Film Institute to screen The Wrath of Khan in 70mm | Star Trek: The Continuing Mission releases Episode 8 | TrekCore interviews Anthony Montgomery

Hyperchannel 2: Khan Goes Irish

The Irish Film Institute to screen The Wrath of Khan in 70mm

Fans of film as an art as well as Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan will have an opportunity to screen the film in 70mm at the Irish Film Institute on Monday, May 19, 2014. Few theatres are capable of showing 70mm prints these days, so this is a unique opportunity. The Irish Film Institute is Ireland’s national cultural institution for film. It provides audiences throughout Ireland with access to the finest independent, Irish and international cinema; it preserves and promotes Ireland’s moving image heritage through the IFI Irish Film Archive, and provides opportunities for audiences of all ages and backgrounds to learn and critically engage with film.

Find our more on the Irish Film Institute website...


Star Trek: The Continuing Mission releases Episode 8

If you love Star Trek and you love audio dramas, Star Trek: The Continuing Mission has a treat for you. Their eighth episode, "Cathedral in the Void," is now available for streaming and download from their website. In describing the story, the synopsis reads:

"HP Lovecraft, the father of modern horror, consigned his unspeakable creations to the farthest reaches of the final frontier. For Starfleet, it was only a matter of time. Most call them aliens. Some know them as the Elder Gods. In the time before time, they ruled the Earth. Now, the only thing that can stop their return is Captain Edwards and the crew of the USS Montana."

The Continuing Mission cast includes Scott Martineck, Stephen Perkins, Patrick McCray, Charles Miller, Jim Manikas, James Francis, Etta Devine, Tiffany Tallent.

Listen to the episode...


TrekCore interview Anthony Montgomery

In a new 11-minute video interview, TrekCore sits down with Travis Mayweather himself, Anthony Montgomery, to talk about the experience of reuniting with his cast mates for the Enterprise Blu-ray extras, his graphic novel Miles Away, and his plans for the future.

It's an excellent interview that reveals some exciting new projects, including an all-star cast of actors who will lend their voices to the characters in the animated film version of Miles Away.

Watch the interview on Trek Core's YouTube channel...

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