Travis Mayweather

The Ready Room 169: A Boomer Backstory by Trek fm


Running Time: 1 hour 32 minutes 7 seconds
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Fans often cite Travis Mayweather as the most underdeveloped character on Enterprise, but the episode “Horizon” sets out to change that perception with a story focusing exclusively on the Ensign, his family, and his past. It’s a good look into the character, though surprisingly comes near the end of Season Two.

In this episode of The Ready Room we’re joined by Tommy Kraft and Will Nguyen to discuss Travis’s trip back home, the cargo culture, and the puzzling discrepancy between the background developed for the character and what the writers actually did with over the course of the series. We also reveal in the excitement that is Movie Night aboard the NX-01 and T’Pol’s newfound love of Frankenstein.

In our news segment we discuss the latest on Tommy’s film Star Trek: Horizon and debate the results of the poll in which fans picked the alien race with the best starships.


Christopher Jones and Tommy Kraft


Will Nguyen

Editor and Producer

Christopher Jones

Associate Producer

Renee Roberts

Production Manager

Richard Marquez

Content Coordinator

Will Nguyen


Star Trek: Horizon Production Update (00:02:25)
Poll: The alien race with the best starships is… (00:11:59)

Feature: Horizon

Intro and Synopsis (00:22:12)
A Misplaced Story? (00:26:28)
Fleshing Out Travis (00:30:39)
Cargo Culture (00:35:01)
It’s a Family Matter (00:41:42)
The Isolation of Distance (00:48:58)
Movie Night! (00:55:57)
Travis Saves the Day! (01:06:43)
Final Thoughts (01:13:24)
Closing (01:22:36)

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The Ready Room 169: A Boomer Backstory

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