Warp Five 5: Bridging the Gap / by Trek fm

An Enterprise Sampler.

Many Star Trek fans who are viewing Enterprise for the first time—or those who are returning for a rewatch after many years—ask us for episode recommendations. They want to know which episodes best represent the spirit of Enterprise. In this episode of Warp Five, hosts Christopher Jones and Kate Walsh share their picks for the stories that best capture the tone of the show, its goal in bridging the gap between our own time and the early days of Starfleet as well as the gap between Archer’s time and Kirk’s, and that plant the seeds for the Star Trek that we all know and love. Did we choose any of your favourites? 


Running Time: 50 minutes 40 seconds


Christopher Jones and Kate Walsh



Shuttlepod One
Fight or Flight
Strange New World
First Flight
Babel One
The Aenar
Terra Prime
Dear Doctor


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