Warp Five 56: The Humans' Guide to the Universe / by Trek fm

Reflections on Early Characters.

When a new Star Trek series premieres, it's always exciting to meet the new characters and imagine where the writers will take them. Some stand out immediately as favorites. Others fail to connect with viewers right away. And some leave us on the fence, staring at potential but wondering when it will be realized.

In this episode of Warp Five, host Christopher Jones shares an early assessment of the Enterprise crew written after the third episode aired in 2001, and then reflects on how those impressions have changed over the years. Are the feelings the same now—as Enterprise passes its 13th anniversary? Listen on and find out.


Running Time: 50 minutes 28 seconds


Christopher Jones

Editor and Producer

Christopher Jones

Associate Producer

Norman C. Lao


Archer (3:23)
T'Pol (7:38)
Trip (12:36)
Hoshi (16:56)
Phlox (22:09)
Reed (26:11)
Travis (29:32)
Closing (34:28)

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Warp Five 56: The Humans' Guide to the Universe

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