Warp Five 8: Austere Yet Sensual / by Trek fm


Enterprise was set up to recapture the triumvirate of The Original Series; and having a Vulcan in that mix was only logical. In a pre-launch interview in Star Trek Communicator, Larry Nemecek described it this way: "Stoic rationality with a dose of paternal arrogance. The character of Sub-Commander T'Pol embodies everything humans have come to feel about Vulcans in the short span since Zefram Cochrane and first contact." And that's just who she was—at first. But over the course of four seasons T'Pol became so much more, shifting from the world of her Vulcan roots to that of her human crewmates. In this episode of Warp Five hosts Christopher Jones and Kate Walsh take a close look at T'Pol, the process of casting Jolene Blalock, the challenges of recapturing Vulcan, the key turning points on her journey, and some of our favourite T'Pol moments.


Running Time: 1 hour 10 minutes


Christopher Jones and Kate Walsh



Recapturing Vulcan
Casting Jolene Blalock
T'Pol Onscreen
Favourite T'Pol Moments
The Evolution of T'Pol


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